Viewing The Blog In Desktop Mode

Travel Tipsviewing in desktop mode

Viewing The Blog In Desktop Mode

If you’ve been enjoying reading our blog and seeing all of our photography, you might just agree that it all looks even better on a desktop computer or a laptop. You might enjoy it just as much on a tablet too! The big screen makes the photo collages more visually attractive too. And that’s important, because we want to share with you the best description of all these picturesque places in the World!

How to get this view on a mobile or tablet device (viewing in desktop mode)

If you are using the Chrome browser, select the options menu in the browser (three vertical dots) and select “Desktop Site”on Android devices or “Request Desktop Site” on an Apple device. If you are using any other browser, a similar option must be available there too.

And if you feel that we can improve the reader experience in any way, please share it with us!

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