Our Travel Expense Reports 💰

I bet you’ve been curious about what living on the road is like – for that we’ve been sharing updates every other day on our YouTube channel! For us, having come from a life with a set routine centered around steady corporate jobs and weekend living, its been an interesting change of pace. With the relatively higher freedom to move around, we also encounter many challenges in this lifestyle!

But if the title of the post is why you are here, you must have one very important question – what is the cost of full-time travel?

So, we figured we can help answer this question from our experience of travelling full-time since May 2022. I know its a little early to be publishing this as “full-time travellers” – but we felt that sharing this from the very beginning might put things in better perspective while also showing you what our transition from a steady life to a nomadic life has been really like!

See the travel expense reports for every quarter since we left home, below.

If you want to receive these reports in a mail direct to your inbox, or want to get notified whenever we publish the next report, you can add your email ID in the box at the bottom of this page.

Travel expenses in 2022

Total cost of travel in the first year of travelling full-time (from May to December)

Q2 2022

Q3 2022

Q4 2022

Travel expenses in 2023

Total cost of travel in the second year of travelling full-time (from January to December)

Q1 2023

Q2 2023

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